Basic Orders

Combat Orders

Mission Orders

Study Orders



Island Frontier


Basically, orders are carried out without unneeded complication. In the space provided on the Order page, enter in the order code, followed by the necessary information as detailed under each order. You may place as many orders as you like each turn.

There are four types of orders. Those that cover the day to day running of your domain are called basic orders. Those that may interfere in a hostile manner with your neighbours are classified as combat orders. Sometimes you'll want to use mission orders to send your specialist troops out into the world, while other times you'll just want your specialists to sit down and study so that one day your empire will become powerful in the Aura, the Harmony or the Miracles.

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Basic Orders

Assign Troops - Build Construction/Ship/War Machine - Cast Spell/Harmony/Miracle

Hold Festival - Name Hero - Name Territory - Pact - Repair Building - Scavenge - Train Troops

Upgrade Troops

Combat Orders

Attack/Move Troops - Battle Plan - Disembark Troops - Naval Assault

Mission Orders

Assassinate - Assassinate Character - Bardic Song - Diplomacy - Destroy Building - Explore

Incite Uprising - Infiltrate - Infiltrate Diplomacy - Protect Character - Spy Ring

Steal Resources - Uncover Spies

Study Orders

Study the Aura - Study Nature - Study Theology

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Assign Troops

Code: ASSIGN - '#'

This converts a specified number Citizens into Militia Troops. The '#' determines the exact number of Citizens to be converted.

Back to 'Basic Orders'

Build Construction/Ship/War Machine

Code: BUILD - '*'

This assigns your builders to a construction task. Only one Structure/Ship/War Machine can be under construction at any one time. The '*' should be replaced by the name of the object to be built.

Back to 'Basic Orders'

Cast Spell/Harmony/Miracle

Code: CAST - '#Casters' - '*' - '&Target'

This assigns a specific number of spell casters to a spell. If a target is applicable, please change the '&Target' to the name of the appropriate target. The '*' should be replaced by the name of the spell. The '#Casters' should be replced by the spell casters you are using to create this spell effect. The codes for each spell casting type are as follows:

A - Apprentice

T - Thinker

Mg - Mage

S - Sorcerer

I - Initiate

C - Cleric

Mk - Monk

P - Priest

F - Forester

D - Druid

Please place the number of each spell caster directly before the code letter for the spell caster type. Eg. If you are using 5 Apprentices and 1 Thinker to cast the Hail of Arrows spell at the army of Oldstone you would type the following:

'CAST 5A 1T Hail Of Arrows Oldstone'

NB Spellcasting is a difficult order to use efficiently unless you aware of a few major points of note. Firstly, Spellcasters can cast magic up to and including the level assigned to them under the Troops chart. However, they cannot be used to cast magic that is either from a higher level than their limit, nor can they cast magic from a different school of magic. IE Only Druids and Foresters can use Harmony. Only Initiates, Monks, Clerics and Priests can use Miracles and only Apprentices, Thinkers, Mages and Sorcerers can use Spells.

A second point of note is each spellcasters ability to cast magic. As a spellcaster attains more power in his sphere of spellcasting he finds it easier to cast magic from the lower levels. Eg. A Mage cannot cast fourth level Spells yet, but he is okay at using third levels. He is even better with second level Spells and finds first levels almost too easy.

It is important, when deciding which spellcasters to use for a certain magic, that the weaker spellcasters only be used for magic they can cast, while the higher level spellcasters are a little more strategic. Also remember that sometimes a higher level spellcaster is far more powerful than even a large number of the lower levels together. EG When a Thinker casts Hail of Arrows, it is three times more likely to succeed than should an Apprentice attempt it. In order to achieve the same likelihood of success, three Apprentices would have to link together.

Back to 'Basic Orders'

Hold Festival

Code: FEST - '&' - '#'

This order holds a great feast for all your people. First choose from the following list which type of festival you wish to hold:

Battle - Feastday - Harvest - Homeland - Religious

Replace the '&' with the name of the festival you wish to hold. The Battle festival should be held before the initiation of war. It helps to persuade your people to support such battles. It can increase your troop's morale in battle and also prevents the populace from becoming discontent when you lose heavy forces while at war. The Feastday festival is a general festival held to celebrate the loyalty of your people. It is used when a nation is powerful and stable as it serves no other purpose other than to please your nation. The Harvest festival is used to when food is low. The people pray to gods of the crops and work hard on the fields. Your food production will increase for a short while. The Religious festival is used when your priestly orders need greater power for their incantations. Your nation will add the power of faith to Miracles cast soon afterwards. The most interesting festival, however, is the Homeland festival. This festival celebrates some trait that has become a symbol of your nation. For a great Sea Captain character it may be the celebration of sailing and all the riverboats may be driven with extra speed for a time afterward. When you declare a Homeland festival, the people will choose to celebrate what it is they think represents their nation. This festival can change as your nation changes, but if you continue along a path of actions that generally associate with one goal, it is likely this goal will be enhanced by the holding of the Homeland festival. Decide how much gold you wish to spend on them and replace the '#' with this amount.

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Name Hero

Code: NAME - '&' - '*' - '$'

Replace the & sign with the type of troop to be named. The following troop types can NOT be gaiven a name: Archer, Cavalry, Infantry, Militia or Pikeman. Any naval vessel can also be named. The * should be replaced by the locatrion of the troop that is to be renamed. The $ sign should be replaced by the name that you wish to give to that troop. Please do not use names that could be offensive. The atmosphere of the game will be enhanced if you choose names that are appropriate to the game world.

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Name Territory

Code: TERRITORY - '&' - '*'

Replace the & sign with the old title of the territory. The * should be replaced by the new name that you wish to be assigned to this territory. Please do not use names that could be offensive. The atmosphere of the game will be enhanced if you choose names that are appropriate to the game world.

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Code: PACT - '*'

Sometimes players will become great allies with one another through diplomacy. This order is the only In-Game effect of good relations. To set up a pact, one should have good relations already with the new nation. Replace the '*' with the name of the ruler of the nation with whom you wish to ally. On his turn he will recieve notification of an offering of friendship. If he then wishes to proceed with this Pact, he will use this order to close the deal, using the sender's name as the target for the order. Once a Pact has been completed a few bonuses will come in to play:

Immediately all Troop, Resource and Building information within the domain of your new ally will become available upon request.

Each member of the Pact will recieve one extra Gold per turn while the Pact is in place to reflect the ecenomic boom.

No battle is possible between the two new allied nations for 5 turns. This reflects your people's delight in this new era of peace. They will not support you in war.

Upon completing your first Pact, your people will become slightly happier.

All Contacts of both sides of the Pact will be shared.

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Repair Building

Code: REPAIR - '*'

This allows builders to repair any structure that was damaged during war, sabotage or magic. It costs the builders half the original price to restore. Replace the '*' with the name of the damaged building to be repaired.

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Code: LAND - "&" - "#"

This order allows you to assign some of your citizens to try to gather resources from your territories. Replace the '&' with the type of territory you wish to scavenge. You can only use territory types that are under your control. For example, you cannot scavenge the forests if you do not rule a forested territory. The '#' should be replaced with the number of Scavengers you wish to have working on the land. These Scavengers will be taken from your citizens before you assign Workers. Thus, when calculating food production etc., first subtract scavengers, then assign workers to create resources etc. and the remaining citizens will build projects. When this order is undertaken the Scavengers will attempt to gather resources from the lands. For each scavenger, you will receive one or two resources (the number is dependent on the territory you are scavenging). More than one territory can be scavenged per turn.

  • Forest - 1 Wood
  • Hills - 1 Gold or 1 Iron
  • Wasteland - No Effect or 1 Lore
  • Mountains - 1 Stone
  • Islands - No Effect
  • Marsh - No Effect
  • Grassalnd - No Effect

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Train Troops

Code: TRAIN - '#' - '*' - '&' - '$'

This trains a specified number of Troops into either Champions or Knights. Please replace the '#' with the number of Troops to be trained. Replace the '*' with the Trrop type to be trained, replace the '&' with either 'Champ' or 'Knight' and replace the '$' with a name for your new Knight or Champion. Again, do not choose any offensive or unsuitable names.

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Upgrade Troop

Code: UPG - '#*' - '&'

This converts a number of Troops into a higher status. Replace the '#' with the number of Troops to be converted. Replace '*' witht the Troop type to be upgraded. Replace the '&' with the Troop type to be achieved once the upgrade has been completed.

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Attack/Move Troops

Code:M/ATT - '*dregion' - '&region' - '#Troops'

This order is used to move your troops across Herid's Isle. Include the 'M' at the front of this order if you do not wish to engage in combat with the region. Otherwise, the Troops specified will travel to the region if they can reach it this turn. If they arrive this turn they will attack any forces within the region. If they cannot reach their destination in one turn they will stop after they have move as far as their speed allows. Any Troop can enter as many areas each turn as it's speed. For example, a Cavalry can move one area and then another if it so wished. It could even move one area. Stop & attack and then use up the rest of it's movement returning to it's original departure point.

Replace the '*dregion' with the region from which your Troops will depart. Replace '&region' with the destination region. Replace '#Troops' with the number of Troops and their types to be sent. Use the 'M/' at the beggining of the order if you do not want your troops to engage in combat this turn.

Eg I rule over 'Homeland'. I wish to send my 150 Infantry and 50 Cavalry to attack the neighbouring region of 'Grenington' to the East. Meanwhile I shall send my 2 Explorers North to 'Oldstone' (which is four areas away). I want my Infantry and Cavalry to attack 'Grenington' and to return after as soon as possible. Also, I do not want my weak Explorers to attack anyone on their way. My orders would look like this:

M/ATT - Homeland - Oldstone - 2Explorers

ATT - Homeland - Grenington - 150Infantry 50Cavalry

M/ATT - Grenington - Homeland - 50 Cavalry

My Infantry and Cavalry would fight in Grenignton and afterwards my Cavalry would return. Meanwhile my Explorers would travel two areas North. They would not reach Oldstone this turn, but next turn I could either send them onward to Oldstone or maybe even recall them back to Homeland.

Back to 'Combat Orders'

Battle Plan

Code: PLAN - ATT/DEF - '*Plan*

This allows you to choose a battle plan for your Troops. It will remain the same unless it is specifically changed. It begins as'Attack' for whenever you attack and 'Defend' whenever you defend.

Replace ATT/DEF with either ATT or DEF. This chooses whether the plan is to be your offensive or defensive plan respectively. Replace '*Plan' with one of the following:

All Out Attack/Ambush/Attack/Defend/Flank/Retreat/Surround

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Disembark Troops

Code: DISEMB - '#*' - '&dreg' - '$ship'

Replace '#' with the number of Troops you wish to disembark the ship. Replace '*' with the names of the Troops to disembark. Replace '&dreg' with the region in which the ship is situated for this order. Replace '$ship' with the type of ship from which the Troops will disembark. If more than one of this type of ship exists here, put the total number of Troops before the order was issued on this vessel in front of the name of this ship. Disembarked Troops may continue movement as if they had just moved one area.

EG I have 150 Infantry and 30 Cavalry on one River Boat in Oldstone and 200 Militia and 150 Infantry on another River Boat in Oldstone. I want to disembark my Infantry from the first into Oldstone. I would use the following order to complete this order:

DISEMB - 150Infantry - Oldstone - 180River Boat

The GM would recieve this order and realise that one ship has a toatal of 180 Troops on board, while the other River Boat has 350. He would then know from which boat he should disembark the troops.

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Naval Assault

Code: NAV - '#ships' - '*reg'

Replace '#ships' with the ships that are to take place in this assaualt. Replace '*reg' with the region you are targeting for bombardment. This is an expensive endeavour. Make sure you have at least 300 gold before you attempt this order.

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Code: ASSIN - '#' - '*' - '$'

This order sends an Assassin or Ninja Assassin to another region to assassinate any hero character. A hero character is any troop that can be renamed. Thus, you cannot assassinate Archers, Cavalry, Infantry, Militia or Pikemen. Replace '#' with the name of the target Troop, making sure to use the Hero's name if it has one, and '*' with the name of the target region. Replace '$' with the amount of Gold you wish spent on this mission. The more Gold you spend the more likely the success of this mission.

Back to 'Mission Orders'

Assassinate Character

Code: ASSINCHAR - '#' - '$'

This orders sends a Ninja Assassin ONLY to assassinate another Player. Replace '#' with the target ruler. Replace '$' with the amount of Gold you wish spent on this mission. The more Gold you spend the more likely the success of this mission.

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Bardic Song

Code: BARD - '#' - '*' - '$' - '+'

This order sends a Bard to the target territory to bring happiness and merriment to it's people. The '#' should be replaced by the bard's name if there is more than one bard. The '*' should be replaced by the target territory. The Bard must be within this territory to use this order. The '$' should be replaced by the amount of gold to be spent on this mission. This order costs less than the Hold Festival order in general. The more gold you spend the better chance of success. If your bard is located in an enemy territory it can use a variation of this order. By inserting the symbol '+' the bard will attempt to spoil the reputation of a leader in an enemy's territory. Bardic Song can also be used to promote happiness in an ally's territory by omitting the '+' sign.

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Code: DIPLO - '*' - '$'

This order allows Ambassadors troop types to do one of three different options. Firstly, an Ambassador can set up a contact with one of the other nations. To do this, replace '*' with the name of the target ruler. The '$' can be ignored. To do this the Ambassador must be within one of the territories of the target ruler. The second Diplomacy variation is to attempt to dissuade war from an opposing territory. To do this the Ambassador must be the territory that is to be affected. Replace the '*' with the target territory. Replace the '$' with the sum of gold you wish to spend. If this mission is successful, the target ruler will not be able to wage war with your nation with any troops from the target location. The more gold that is spent, the more likely the success of the mission.

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Destroy Building

Code: DESTROY - '#' - '*' - '$'

Target any building in a specified domain.If the mission is successful, your Ninja Assassin will be able to either obstruct the completion of this building or to destroy an existing construct of this type. Replace '#' with the type of building. Replace '*' with the target domain. Replace '$' with the amount of Gold you wish spent on this mission. The more Gold you spend the more likely the success of this mission.

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Code: EXPL - '*' - '#' - '$'

This order allows an Explorer to search an unoccupied territory to see if it is inhabitable for your followers. It can only succeed if the Explorer is already within the boundaries of the domain when the order is issued. If the Explorer is successful, he will mark out this new territory as part of your dominion. Replace '*' with the targeted dominion (see map for each dominion's codes). Replace the '#' with a name you would like to call this new domain. Replace '$' with the amount of Gold you wish spent on this mission. You can use the Explore order with Explorers to explore territories that you have already conquered. The more Gold you spend the more likely the success of this mission.

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Incite Uprising

Code: INCITE - '*' - '$'

A Ninja Assassin can be sent into the enemy lines to incite chaos and hatred among the ranks. It is a powerful weapon if funded well. Replace '*' with the name of the target region. Replace '$' with the amount of Gold you wish spent on this mission. The more Gold you spend the more likely the success of this mission.

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Code: INFIL - '*' - '$'

The Assassin or Ninja Assassin can be sent to any target region (replace '*' with the name of the target region) to attempt recconaissance behind enemy lines. A successsful Assassin or Ninja Assassin will uncover information on either the Structures, Troops or Resources of the traget. Replace '$' with the amount of Gold you wish spent on this mission. The more Gold you spend the more likely the success of this mission.

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Infiltrate Diplomacy

Code: INFILDIPL - '*' - '$'

Often noted as one of the most mischevious and deadly tools of the Ninja Assassin, this order allows the Ninja to stir up his contacts in other lands. Over time, he sifts his silent ways up the ranks that he might learn of foreign diplomacy. If a Ninja is successful, he grants access to all diplomacy to and from the target region (replace '*' with the region to be targeted). Thus, whenever the targeted region sends or recieves diplomacy you also will recieve a copy of said diplomacy. Not a word will leave nor arrive in the region without your knowledge. Replace '$' with the amount of Gold you wish spent on this mission. The more Gold you spend the more likely the success of this mission.

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Protect Character

Code: PROT - '*' - '#'

With the common occurance of poison, assassins and other dangerous incursions, it is not uncommon to have a Champion or a Knight stand guard against intruders. Replace the '*' with the name of any ruler, which may be yourself, and sleep easy at night. Replace the '#' with the name of the Knight or Champion who shall stand guard.

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Spy Ring

Code: SPY - '*' - '$'

Without a doubt one of the most subtle but deadly ways to power. When 3 Ninja Assassins and 5 Assassins get together they might be capable of setting up your very own Spy Ring. Replace the '*' with the target domain. Replace '$' with the amount of Gold you wish spent on this mission. The more Gold you spend the more likely the success of this mission. If the mission is a success, you will now recieve all em@ils to and from the target before they reach the hands of others. No contact will be made with this region unless it has gone through your hands first. You will have the choice whether to send the letters to the targets as they are, to deny them access completely or even to alter them as you see fit. As I have said, it is deadly in the hands of the wiley.

But even more so, this is where it only begins. If you succeed in setting up the preliminary Spy Ring, there are chances that your Ring may spread to other domains. Occasionally, the Spy Ring will bring you personal reports as to whether they are to expand. You will see in time.

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Steal Resources

Code: STEAL - '*' - '#' - '$'

This allows either a Ninja Assassin or an Assassin to attempt to rob resources from another region. Replace '*' with the target region. Replace '#' with the target resource. Replace '$' with the amount of Gold you wish spent on this mission. The more Gold you spend the more likely the success of this mission.

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Uncover Spies

Code: UNCVR - '$'

This order sends a Ninja Assassin out into your entire state and territories to search for spies. If successful, he will end any spy activity in your region. Replace '$' with the amount of Gold you wish spent on this mission. The more Gold you spend the more likely the success of this mission.

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Study the Aura

Code: T/AURA - '#*'

Include the 'T/' if you wish to train your troops in the ways of Magic. In this case, the '#' should be replaced by the number to be upgraded while the '*' should be replaced by the type of Troop to be trained. Each Troop trained in this manner will only increase by one level per order.Studying spellcasters cannot engage in any other actions.

Eg. I wish to have three Militia become Apprentices. My order would look like this:

T/AURA - 3Militia

If you wish to study new Spells, replace the '#' with the number of the spellcaster type to be used and the '*' with the type of spellcaster used. More than one type of spellcaster can be used on each study. Studying spellcasters cannot engage in any other actions.

Eg. If I wanted to have 3 Apprentices, 2 Thinkers and a Sorcerer study spells I would have my order thus:

AURA - 3Apprentice - 2Thinker - 1Sorcerer

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Study Nature

Code: T/NAT '#*'

Include the 'T/' if you wish to train your troops in the ways of Nature. In this case, the '#' should be replaced by the number to be upgraded while the '*' should be replaced by the type of Troop to be trained. Each Troop trained in this manner will only increase by one level per order.Studying spellcasters cannot engage in any other actions.

Eg. I wish to have three Militia become Foresters. My order would look like this:

T/NAT - 3Militia

If you wish to study new Harmonies, replace the '#' with the number of the spellcaster type to be used and the '*' with the type of spellcaster used. More than one type of spellcaster can be used on each study. Studying spellcasters cannot engage in any other actions.

Eg. If I wanted to have 3 Foresters and a Druid study Harmony I would have my order thus:

NAT - 3Forester - 1Druid

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Study Theology

Code: T/THEO '#*'

Include the 'T/' if you wish to train your troops in the ways of Theology. In this case, the '#' should be replaced by the number to be upgraded while the '*' should be replaced by the type of Troop to be trained. Each Troop trained in this manner will only increase by one level per order.Studying spellcasters cannot engage in any other actions.

Eg. I wish to have three Militia become Initiates. My order would look like this:

T/THEO - 3Militia

If you wish to study new Miracles, replace the '#' with the number of the spellcaster type to be used and the '*' with the type of spellcaster used. More than one type of spellcaster can be used on each study. Studying spellcasters cannot engage in any other actions.

Eg. If I wanted to have 3 Initiates, 2 Clerics, a Monk and a Priest study Miracles I would have my order thus:

THEO - 3Initiates - 2Clerics - 1Monk - 1Priest

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